
Welcome to our Blue Square Market, Located on the ground floor of Regus Building Plaza


About Us

"At Blue Square Market, our story is woven into the fabric of our community. Founded on the principles of inclusivity and community equality, we are more than just a grocery store - we are a reflection of our neighborhood's values and aspirations. For years, we've been dedicated to ensuring that every member of our community has access to quality essentials. Our commitment to supporting local producers, fostering diversity, and creating a welcoming, inclusive space is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that by nurturing the well-being of our community, we contribute to a brighter, more equitable future for all. Join us in our mission and become a part of the Blue Square Market family, where every purchase makes a positive impact on the lives of those around us."

About Us
Contact Info
3707 East Southern Avenue, Mesa, AZ 87206, Ground floor of Regus Building Plaza
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“"Blue Square Market is committed to supporting our community and promoting equality. It's great to have a place that not only offers essential items but also actively works to create a more inclusive and thriving neighborhood."” Jon DeMarco

"Empowering Community, One Aisle at a Time"

Be healthy &
eat fresh local food

"Welcome to Blue Square Market, your digital gateway to a local grocery store dedicated to fostering community equality and ensuring equitable access to quality essentials."

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Our Mission

"Blue Square Market is committed to nurturing a thriving and inclusive community through our local grocery store. Our mission is to provide equitable access to quality essentials, support local producers, and create a welcoming space where every member of our community can shop with dignity. We believe that by fostering community equality, we contribute to the well-being and strength of our neighborhood. Together, we are building a more just and vibrant future for all."

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Our Vision

"At Blue Square Market, our vision is to be the heart of a community that thrives on inclusivity, sustainability, and shared well-being. We aim to create a digital space that reflects our local grocery store's commitment to fostering community equality. Our website will serve as a hub for connecting neighbors, supporting local producers, and sharing valuable resources to empower individuals and the community. Through our digital presence, we aspire to inspire and facilitate positive change, celebrating diversity and strengthening the bonds that make our neighborhood a better place for all."

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The Most Popular Brands

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Our Working Ability

Blue Square Market is characterized by its efficient operations, community engagement, customer service excellence, strong local connections, inclusivity, and adaptability. These qualities help the store serve its community effectively and meet the evolving demands of its customers.

Why Choose Us

We do not Buy from the
Open Market

People choose Blue Square Market because it is more than just a local grocery store. It is a community-centric establishment dedicated to fostering equality and inclusivity. By shopping at Blue Square Market, individuals support a business that actively works to ensure equitable access to quality essentials, sources products locally to boost the economy, provides a welcoming and inclusive environment, and offers competitive prices. Moreover, this store often initiates food security programs and educational initiatives, showing a commitment to improving the community's well-being. Choosing Blue Square Market means not only meeting daily shopping needs but actively contributing to a more equitable, inclusive, and vibrant community.